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Welcome to Energy Industry Fundamentals 2.0

Energy is all around us. Yet, we often take it for granted, not thinking about energy until something we depend on doesn’t work. Gaming consoles, cell phones, lights, computers, cooking appliances, and heating and cooling systems are just a few things we routinely touch that are powered and fueled by energy. There has been an incredible evolution in energy over the last several decades, and even newer and more modern advancements are occurring at lightning speed.

Until recently, we would have considered harnessing energy from agricultural products or the sun and wind as wild ideas. The notion of an electric vehicle charged by a plug was incredibly far-fetched. Yet, today, these are our realities. There has never been a more exciting time to learn about energy and the power of “what’s next” than now.

More than six million people work in energy careers in the United States, and that number is growing. From future-focused innovators and engineers exploring new ways to harness and store power to skilled tradespeople who are diagnosticians and problem solvers. Other energy professionals are developing a national infrastructure for the rise in electric transportation, others are piloting drones, and still others are supporting the business of energy.

The work of these professionals is essential, rewarding, and always in demand in rural communities, urban towns, and metropolitan cities. Because of the knowledge and skills that are required, energy employees are well compensated, often earning above national averages. Energy professionals are proudly leading the country’s attainment of climate change goals while maintaining energy reliability, resiliency, safety, and affordability.

The energy professionals involved in creating this course are passionate about the work they do. They are excited to introduce you to energy from their vantage point, whether that’s from high above the earth’s surface, way below it, or somewhere in between. We hope that through learning more about the energy sector, you can see yourself powering the future of energy!

Course Content

Unit A: The Power of Energy
Unit B: The Evolution of Energy
Unit C: Our Interconnected Energy System
Unit D: Show Me the Money
End of Course Assessment